Thursday, June 18, 2009

Figure out oval mirrors

Do it, just spend some time and do research on why oval mirrors rock so hard. If you want to become an expert in all things mirrors then it's a good place to start because you really do see them everywhere don't you?

I love looking into the reflection of an oval mirror and see myself staring at myself again and again because the ovality of it all really makes a lot of sense. That sentence made no sense but that's okay because I doubt anyone will ever read it! Why you ask? because you is going to be searching for oval mirrors? They SHOULD be, but that doesn't quite cut it!

I love oval mirrors

Why do I love them? Simple, because the fit in virtually any type of setting and can increase your decor by 100 fold. It's great when you realize you don't know everything you thought you knew about mirrors, but simply being able to acknowledge that and say you want to learn more is the first step for sure.

If you have an oval mirror you are trying to find a right place to put, then try many, and you will notice one thing most of the time, that it fits almost anywhere. That can be good and bad because with so many options you might find yourself not quite sure what to do with it.

Too many options can make your decision more difficult than it normally would be if it obviously only fit in one place. In that instanec, you might not get the perfect spot but you could at least place it knowing you aren't making a mistake.

Oval mirrors really do work wonders in situations like that.